Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Mexico Rejects Maximilian

1867: When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. That's what Maximilian learned the hard way in Mexico. Napoleon III of France wanted a foothold in the Americas and Mexico was one giant base. Maximilian, with a French army backing him, proclaimed himself Emperor of Mexico in 1864. The idea of Mexico becoming a de-facto vassal of the French Empire did not sit well with the Mexicans. As important, the USA did not want a major European power on its border. With the Civil War winding down, President Abraham Lincoln sent a warning to Paris and an army to the Texas border.

Napoleon caved and pulled the French army out. Emperor Maximilian lost his army, his government, his empire, and his life. He was executed by firing squad at Cerro de las Campanas on June 19, 1867

Series on Mexico Rejects Maximilian ends today.

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